Active online as a media artist, blogger, activist and programmer, aaajiao is the virtual persona of Shanghai- and Berlin- artist Xu Wenkai. Born in 1984—the title of George Orwell’s classic allegorical novel— and in one of China’s oldest cities, Xi’an, aaajiao’s art and works are marked by a strong dystopian awareness, literati spirits and sophistication. Many of aaajiao’s works speak to new thinkings, controversies and phenomenon around the Internet, with specific projects focusing on the processing of data, the blogsphere and China’s Great Fire Wall.
Contributors 2022

Adnan Hadzi is currently working as resident researcher at the University of Malta. Adnan has been a regular at Deckspace Media Lab, for the last decade, a period over which he has developed his research at Goldsmiths, University of London, based on his work with Deptford. TV/Deckspace.TV. It is through Free and Open Source Software and technologies this research has a social impact. Currently Adnan is a participant researcher in the MAZI/CreekNet research collaboration with the boattr project.

Aileen Derieg is a translator and media activist focussing mainly on free software with an emphasis on autonomous cultural initiatives. After decades of translating in the cultural field she retired in 2018 and has since intensified her work with initiatives such as, AMRO, Eclectic Tech Carnival, among others. Soon after having closed the chapter of professional translation, Aileen spent two years living in and working with the hacktivist collective in Calafou, Spain, before returning to Linz, Austria, full time.

ala pecula is a project dedicated to sound exploration by an artist that in the past decade made sonic appearances on a Slovene music scene through various collaborations and experimental research of sound and video. In Autumn ala pecula will release her debut album at Kamizdat.

Alex Zakkas works in the field of design, digital culture and education. His research is informed by experimentation with the technologies of daily experiences, to reflect on the techno-political transformations they bring into play. He participates in processes of activating critical practices through making tools. Within, between and besides academic institutions.

Alice Strete (1991, RO) is an artist and researcher interested in the intricate relationship between humans and the technologies they surround themselves with. Her work involves collaborative media art and publishing practices, and explores topics from feminist technologies to the socio-politics of food.

Alice Yuan Zhang 张元 (she/her) is a Chinese-American media artist and educator currently living in Berlin. Her practice operates on cyclical and intergenerational time. Along the peripheries of imperialist imagination, she works to bridge ecology and technology through ancestral remembering, interspecies pedagogy, and translocal solidarity.

Andreas Zingerle is a media artist, designer and researcher from Austria. As part of the Kairus art collective they explore topics such as vulnerabilities in IoT devices, corporatization of city governance in Smart Cities and citizen sensitive projects in which technology is used to reclaim control of our living environments. Their practice based research is closely intertwined with their artistic production, adopting methodologies used by anthropologists and sociologist, their artworks are often informed by archival research, participation observations and field research.

Angeliki Diakrousi (GR) is currently involved in counter act research projects that critically engage with technology, computing, infrastructures and their languages. Her work embraces feminist approaches and pedagogies.