AMRO22 debug
15th—18th June 2022
Linz, Austria
AMRO, Art Meets Radical Openness, is a biennial festival for art, hacktivism and open cultures, organized since 2008 by servus.at in cooperation with the Linz University of Art, Department of Time-Based Media.
The current edition of Art Meets Radical Openness is dedicated to the rituals and the philosophies of debugging.
(Software) bugs are much more than simple technical errors. Under certain circumstances, they can be seen as one of the fundamental features of the current age, which is characterized by ubiquitous technologies and power structures. Are cultural practices of debugging and fixing bugs within free open source communities transferable to socio-political challenges?
As a gathering of communities with interests across arts and cultures, networked technologies and political action, AMRO offers space for sharing knowledge and practices, focusing on the potential of debugging both inside and outside of the purely technical realm.
Festival locations: afo – architekturforum oberösterreich, STWST, DH5, dev.lol, Raumschiff, bb15, & the Internet.
# Contributors # Festival Program
Festival website https://art-meets.radical-openness.org/2022/