
Dmytri Kleiner develops miscommunication technologies that uncover the social relations embedded in communication platforms. He is an active member of the Telekommunisten Network, and the author of the Telekommunist Manifesto.


Grown up in the suburbs of Linz, in an area with a mix of small family houses and large construction companies. Dominik Leitner is a multi media artist and curator. Active in music and graphic design, with a interest in architecture and cityscapes.
Got introduced to Linux as a teenager to program weaving machines. Now working in Pure Data and LibreOffice, trying to get the most out of the 3D object function.

Donna Metzlar (Cape Town, 1969) wanted to become a farmer when she was little, but ended up doing a Social Science degree (English and Sociology) at UCT in the 80s and later a nursing degree in Rotterdam. Finally she taught herself some ICT stuff and has worked in the sector for over 12 years. She's co-founder of the Eclectic Tech Carnival and Girl Geek Dinner Amsterdam, and core member of the Genderchangers.

dorfTV community TV started broadcasting in June 2010

Stefan Hageneder, Ufuk Serbest

DRKMBNT lives and works in Linz, Austria. DRKMBNT is a live act that performs its music with self-soldered sound tools.

Dusan Barok is involved in independent critical practise in the fields of art, software, and theory. Currently he takes part in Networked media programme at Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, where he is engaged in the artistic use of social networks and peer-to-peer technologies. He has initiated and participated in many research-grounded projects in context of media arts, network culture, and the commons. Lives in Rotterdam and Bratislava.

eeefff (Minsk/Berlin) are artistic cooperation / made-up institution / cybernetic political brigade / poetic computations / hacking unit / queer time. It is neither one of these, nor all together. active from 2013. eeefff make software-based projects, publications, networks, and platforms that critically explore digital labour, value extraction, and community formation. methods include: public actions, online interventions, performative seminars, software and hardware hacking, framing environments and choreographing social situations.

Ekheo is a duo, formed by Aude Langlois and Belinda Sykora, that explores the crosslines of the musical, visual and sonic art of performance.

Eleanor Greenhalgh is a fine artist working with networked media and collaboration and is interested how social & technical protocols are used to regulate (or resist) our experiences of sexuality and physical embodiment.

She is currently doing the MA Networked Media Design at the Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam.

She runs the Radical X platform for collaborative art and writing, which explores the insersections of sexuality, radical politics and new media.