
Franz Buchinger studied Telecommunication and Media at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten, Austria. He started his career as technical editor for the german publisher Galileo Press. Later he assisted in founding video2brain, a company that pioneered video-based training for FOSS software. At this time he also co-wrote three books on image and video editing. Today he works as an IT-manager for a public relations company in Vienna.

Geboren in Freistadt zog es ihn bereits für die Mittelschule nach Linz ins Petrinum, an das er ein Informatikstudium anknüpft. Schon zu Schulzeiten in Kontakt mit Linux gekommen - damals noch aus Lust am Anderen - entwickelt der Nach-wie-Vor-Student eine Leidenschaft für Open Source Software generell und das KDE Projekt im Speziellen. Ausgehend von der Betreuung von KDE Auftritten auf der CeBIT oder am LinuxTag wird er im Frühjahr 2007 in den KDE e.V. geladen und übernimmt dort neben Wade Olson und Troy Unrau die Marketing Working Group.

Has studied at the academy of applied art, department of ”visual communication” founded by Peter Weibel. Subsequently he was teaching computer languages, audio-visual productions, electronics and electrical technics at the same academy until 1992. At the technical university of graz he was lecturing at the departure ”institut fuer baukunst” - ”communication theory”.

FRAUD (Audrey Samson and Francisco Gallardo) is a métis duo of critical spatial practitioners, which develops forms of art-led enquiry that examine the financialisation of nature through extractive data practices. Somerset House Studios alumni, the duo has been awarded the State of Lower Saxony – HBK Braunschweig Fellowship (2019-20), the King’s College Cultural Institute Grant (2018), and has been commissioned by Fiskars Village (2020) and the Cockayne Foundation (2018).

Visual and sound artist. Based in Austria since 2015. Graduated from Visual Communication BA at Centro de Diseño, Cine y Televisión (2014, MX) and Interface Cultures MA at Kunstuniversität Linz (2018, AT).

Gabriela creates participatory and social interfaces, through an interdisciplinary approach. In her work, sound and listening represent attention to the invisible and  material for the sketch of temporal structures. Her work has been presented at international exhibitions, among them Transitio_MX (Mx), London Design Week (Uk), Tadaex (Ir) and Ars Electronica (At).

Georg Jakob is amongst those, called “Free Software Advocates”. He is a lawyer and an active critic of the over-abundance of so called “intellectual property rights” in general and Software patents in particular. From 2003 on, he was repeatedly invited to hearings in the European parliament regarding Software Patents as well as Copyright, Rights Enforcement and other Industrial Property issues.

Georg Pleger (geb. 1967, Innsbruck) ist public project lead von Creative
Commons Österreich ( Nach dem Studium
(Pädagogik/Mathematik) leitete er eine Online-Bibliothek an der
Universität Innsbruck. Projektarbeit im Bereich Bildungstechnologie,
Mitgründer der Plone-Foundation (, Mitglied der Open Source
Genossenschaft osAlliance (, Koordinator der Tiroler
Stunde - Regiogeld für Tirol (, Mitglied der Inititiative
Zivilgesellschaft (, Arbeit im

to be continued

Geboren in Linz. Studium der Mathematik und Bildnerischen Erziehung.
AHS-Lehrer für Bildnerische Erziehung, Mathematik und Informatik.
Assistent, Lehrbeauftragter und Mitarbeit an Forschungsprojekten am RISC (Research Institute für Symbolic Computation) der Kepleruniversität Linz. Dissertation in Theoretischer Computer Science.
EDV-Lehrer und Koordinator der EDV-Ausbildung an der Kunstuniversität Linz.