
* 2005 Matura: Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium mit computerunterstütztem
naturwissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkt in Radstadt
* seit 2005: Studium Computer- und Mediensicherheit FH-OOE, Campus
Hagenberg (6. Semester) mit Schwerpunkten in den Fächern:
Netzwerktechnik und -sicherheit, Sicherheitsmanagement, Kryptographie,
Abwehr von Angriffen

* verschiedene Studienprojekte zu den Themen: Malware, Webserver,
- -applicationsicherheit, Rootkits, Consolensicherheit.
* Bakkelaureatsarbeit zum Thema: Botnetze - Aufbau, Kommunikation und

Imre Facchin
Fachgebiet Physik und Open Source
studiert im moment mit maessigem Erfolg Physik an der Uni Wien. Er beschaeftigt sich im moment intensiver als sonst mit Linux ( Fuer das Projekt Machinimint ).

Malte Fiala
06.07.1985: geboren in Tamsweg, Salzburg, Österreich
1995-2006: Ausbildung auf dem Realgymnasium mit sportlichen
Schwerpunkt- Maria Enzersorf
2004-2005: Studierender auf der "Kunstuniversität Linz"
seit 2005: Studierender auf der "Universität für Angewandte Kunst" - Wien

Neben dem Studium tätig als Journalist bei "Net-News-Global" und bei

Malte's professional background is in media-design and software engineering and he currently investigates various conceptions of sustainability as well as indicator-based sustainability assessment frameworks for the integration of process with life-cycle oriented perspectives. He considers collaborative research at the interface of data, information, conceptions and orientations of sustainability to be a challenge of outstanding relevance to advance socio-ecological transformations.

Malte Steiner (born 1970) is a German media artist, electronic musician and composer. He started creating electronic music and visual art around 1983, developing his own vision of the interdisciplinary Gesamtkunstwerk. Besides diverse music projects Steiner is also involved in several open source projects and has done lectures, radio features and workshops.

Manetta Berends (1989, NL) has been educated as a graphic designer at the Artez art academy in Arnhem before starting her master-education at the Piet Zwart Institute (PZI), Rotterdam. From the Artez academy she acquired an interest in typography and research based design, which she expanded on in her research projects at the PZI, where she mainly focused on the systemization of language in the field of natural language processing and text mining.

Manu Luksch is an artist and filmmaker who interrogates conceptions of progress and scrutinises the effects of network technologies on social relations, urban space, and political structures. Her installation and procedural works often involve novel processes, like urban planning led by children, or a kayak taxi service along urban canals, which doubles as a research vehicle into the future of transport. These works take place in a wide range of contexts, from galleries and festivals to academic symposia and public spaces.

Mara works with networks and servers in all kind of settings, from telecom to feminist collectives support. She co-organises ad-hoc tech workshops and grassroots festivals, and writes about technology as an independent researcher.

Marc Garrett is co-director and co-founder, with artist Ruth Catlow of the Internet arts online collectives and communities – and the physical space Furtherfield Gallery and Furtherfield commons space in London, UK. Co-curating various contemporary Media Arts exhibitions, projects nationally and internationally. Co-editor of Artists Re:Thinking Games with Ruth Catlow and Corrado Morgana 2010. Currently researching a Media Art history PhD at the University of London, Birkbeck College.

Marek is a restless producer of various creative and social interventions that span across various media: radio, television and internet; as well as utilise non technical formats such as workshops, books sprints and endless conversations. Activism, innovation and creativity are the major driving forces in his work as much as the importance of marginalised voices, opinions and world views.