Michael Mosmann (geb. 1973, Spremberg) ist Geschäftsführer bei dem Verbraucherportal Vergleich.de(www.vergleich.de). Während des Designstudiums in Halle/Saale (www.burg-halle.de) beschäftigte er sich Virtueller Realität und computergestützter Entwurfstechnik. Seit 1999 beschäftigt sich Michael Mosmann im Umfeld der webbasierten Anwendungsentwicklung mit dem Thema Opensource und der Anwendung von Opensourceprogrammen. Im Jahr 2005 gründete er eine Linux-User-Gruppe in Lübeck (www.linux-luebeck.de).

deals with sonification and sonorization using an analog synthesizer. As a radio-maker and initiator of various projects, since 1990 he has been involved in the dynamic field of cultural work, art, and civil society processes. As a sociologist at the Johannes Kepler University Linz he focused on the break-up of Yugoslavia in his thesis in 2005. Since 2009 he has been working on a masters degree in political education at the JKU.

Michael Warthog (AT) works since 2000 activity with art photography and experimental film. He is interested in the breakdown of objects, machines und herbal structures and did various studies on the relationship between inner and outer world.

Michael Zeltner explores spaces in technical possibilities of humanistic storytelling. He co-founded the first localised cell of Graffiti Research Lab (http://graffitiresearchlab.com/) in Vienna (http://graffitiresearchlab.at/) and helped redestribute 500.000 Euros of public funding for New Media Art as part of the coordination team of the self-organised funding pool NetzNetz (http://netznetz.net/). In London he contributed to projects such as Ear Cinema

Michaela Lakova (BG) is a visual artist currently based in Rotterdam. She studied at the Media Design and Communication MA (Piet Zwart Institute). She holds a BA (NATFA) in Stage and Screen design. Her field of research and practice invokes catchy bits and bytes of errors, systems malfunction and the inevitable generation of data traces and its problematic resistance to deletion.

I am moving from the field of audiovisual live performances and experimental film to forest
gardening, building livinglab and back. With a background in information science and coding,
I was among the founders and currently a curator of node9.org digital community server and
online gallery. My practice involves writing on online activism, digital curation or postmediality,
as part of creating networks based on trust in those fields. In the recent projects on the role of

Miha Ciglar (1980) is a composer and audio artist. He is a student of the Academy of Music and of the Technical University in Graz (Austria). Since 2001, he has been presenting himself at art festivals all over the world with original compositions for various acoustic instruments, electro-acoustic and interactive-dance performances, computer music, and audio-visual installations.

KOBAKANT explore the use of wearable technology as a medium for commenting on the social and technological aspects of today's high-tech society. Conscious of wearability and questioning of functionality, we believe in the spirit of humoring technology and present our twisted criticism of the stereotypes it creates. For us technology exists to be hacked, DIYed and modified by everyone to fit our needs and desires. www.kobakant.at