Aneta Stojnić (PhD) is a Belgradeborn theoretician, artist and researcher. Currently, she is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK, Singidunum University, Belgrade). In 2015. she was a postdoc researcher at the Academy of fine arts in Vienna, IBK, PCAP and in 2013-14 she was a postdoctoral research-fellow at Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Research centre S:PAM (Studies in Performing Arts & Media). Aneta was Artist in residence in Tanzquartier Vienna in 2011, and writer in residence at KulturKontakt Austria in 2012.

Angeliki Diakrousi (GR) is currently involved in counter act research projects that critically engage with technology, computing, infrastructures and their languages. Her work embraces feminist approaches and pedagogies.

Anna Kraher is a researcher working at the intersection of artificial intelligence, data justice and the speculation about just futures and is based in Berlin. Her latest research focuses on the relationship between predictive technologies, temporalities and power relations. She is currently part of the MA Design & Computation at the University of the Arts Berlin and the Technical University Berlin and has a background in Computer Science and Gender Studies.

Anne Laforet is a researcher, teacher, artist and critic. She has a PhD in information science on the preservation of net art. Her research fields include digital art preservation and documentation, anarchronism, articulations between digital and analog, internet, free software and collaborative artistic practices.

Anne holds a degree in political science from the Free University of Berlin. She cofounded one of the first interactive media activist websites, Indymedia, in Germany in 2001 and has been involved with media activism and various forms of activist online media ever since. She has worked as a web editor and translator in the past. Since 2007 she has written a blog that covers privacy, surveillance, media, net politics and feminist issues.

Nach unbeschwerter Kindheit in Rauris im Pinzgau, dem Besuch der HTL für EDV in Villach und dem Zivildienst beim Roten Kreuz ging es in die Hauptstadt. Drei Jahre lang wurden die Semmeln als Softwareentwickler bei CSC Austria verdient. Danach das Studium der Elektronischen Informationsdienste am Technikum Wien absolviert. Nach dem Diplom folgte der Weg in die Selbständigkeit. Als Freelancer wurdein Wien unter anderem für System One und Knallgrau gearbeitet. Es wurde die Online Event Plattform gegründet an der zur Zeit hauptsächlich gearbeitet wird.

Antonio Roberts is an artist and curator based in Birmingham, UK. His practices explore what ownership and authorship mean in an age impacted by digital technology.

Antti Pussinen (1984, Finland) is a visual and a sound artist working on multiple mediums. His artistic work currently uses analog and digital electronics to recreate impressions of phenomena found in nature and the universe. His works have been shown for example in Kiasma Contemporary Art museum of Helsinki and in Center for Architecture in New York. He Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

Anuradha Reddy is a PhD candidate in Interaction Design at Malmö University, Sweden. Her research tackles matters of ethics and responsibility in IoT at the most intimate level, where we are currently experiencing a clash between data-driven logics, the messiness and material needs of everyday life, and societal values at large. Grounded in feminist ethics, her work attempts to show how a feminist approach can pave the way for a total re-orientation of how IoT should be developed and used.