!Mediengruppe Bitnik (read - the not mediengruppe bitnik) live and work in Zurich/London. Using Hacking as an artistic strategy, their works re-contextualise the familiar to allow for new readings of established structures and mechanisms.
Contributors 2014

Adnan Hadzi is currently working as resident researcher at the University of Malta. Adnan has been a regular at Deckspace Media Lab, for the last decade, a period over which he has developed his research at Goldsmiths, University of London, based on his work with Deptford. TV/Deckspace.TV. It is through Free and Open Source Software and technologies this research has a social impact. Currently Adnan is a participant researcher in the MAZI/CreekNet research collaboration with the boattr project.

Aleš Hieng – Zergon (1984) is a chemical engineer and a musical performery. His improvised live performances are characterized by analog-produced and modulated sounds and noises combined with field recordings, as well the use of personally created electronic sound devices.

André Castro (1983, PT) is a sound artist from Lisbon, currently living in Rotterdam. He studied under the Media Design and Communication MA (Piet Zwart Institute), and the Sonic Arts BA (Middlesex University). His practice involves DIY and exploratory strategies to appropriate found media objects, such as audio-tracks from a colossal online archive, the whispers and silences of radiophonic discourse, or the stories told over spam emails.

Andreas Zingerle is a media artist, designer and researcher from Austria. As part of the Kairus art collective they explore topics such as vulnerabilities in IoT devices, corporatization of city governance in Smart Cities and citizen sensitive projects in which technology is used to reclaim control of our living environments. Their practice based research is closely intertwined with their artistic production, adopting methodologies used by anthropologists and sociologist, their artworks are often informed by archival research, participation observations and field research.

Anne holds a degree in political science from the Free University of Berlin. She cofounded one of the first interactive media activist websites, Indymedia, in Germany in 2001 and has been involved with media activism and various forms of activist online media ever since. She has worked as a web editor and translator in the past. Since 2007 she has written a blog that covers privacy, surveillance, media, net politics and feminist issues.

Dennis de Bel (1984, The Netherlands) graduated in June 2007 as an Interactive Media designer at the Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam. In June 2009, he completed the Master Media Design and Communication at the Piet Zwart Institute, also in Rotterdam. Currently, he is teaching at the Willem de Kooning Academie, and creating his own (non)works under the Dilly Dally Foundry label.

Grown up in the suburbs of Linz, in an area with a mix of small family houses and large construction companies. Dominik Leitner is a multi media artist and curator. Active in music and graphic design, with a interest in architecture and cityscapes.
Got introduced to Linux as a teenager to program weaving machines. Now working in Pure Data and LibreOffice, trying to get the most out of the 3D object function.

Donna Metzlar (Cape Town, 1969) wanted to become a farmer when she was little, but ended up doing a Social Science degree (English and Sociology) at UCT in the 80s and later a nursing degree in Rotterdam. Finally she taught herself some ICT stuff and has worked in the sector for over 12 years. She's co-founder of the Eclectic Tech Carnival and Girl Geek Dinner Amsterdam, and core member of the Genderchangers.