Morning Session: Insurgent Flows & Materiality of Clouds

AMRO starts with a session dedicated to critical reflection about historical narratives, on the extractivism and colonialism of the cloud, as well as the possibile modes of reseeding resistance.


Open Mic: Workshop annoucement
What is the sound of the conflict we cannot hear?
Elliot Perkins / Ultra-red



Film Screening & Statement
Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures
Marina Gržinić, Tjaša Kancler, Jovita Pristovšek



The material dimension of the clouds
Pluriversidad Nómada



This session is moderated by Adnan Hadzi and the contributions are followed by a conversation with Kim Carrington.


Festival documentation produced and broadcasted in cooperation with DORFTV

img © Martin Bruner