Gívan Belá & Barbara Huber
Gívan Belá Born in Belgium. After studying literature and linguistics, a little philosophy and sculpting, he made a radical switch to computer music at the end of the 1980s. He has been involved in experimental media art in its many different forms since 1990. http://mxhz.org http://societyofalgorithm.org http://karasssuite.net http://okno.be Barbara Huber Studied philosophy in Vienna and entered the cultural and media sector through radio. Diverse employment in cultural initiatives (Radio FRO (AT), Audio Campus Visuell (BE), ....); Freelance trainer in Open Source Software especially in the sound/radio sector. Workshops all over Central/Eastern Europe. Performer in the area of electronical/computer music. Diverse performances in various locations (Beijing (CN), Bratislava (SK), Berlin (DE)...) Lives in Linz and Bratislava. http://karasssuite.net http://soundsource.servus.at

Amro Contributions
Year | Title | Format |
2008 | A Karass Suite working session | Art meets radical openness |
2008 | A Karass Suite Showcase | Lecture |
2008 | A Karass Suite session - life | Performance |