
ala pecula is a project dedicated to sound exploration by an artist that in the past decade made sonic appearances on a Slovene music scene through various collaborations and experimental research of sound and video. In Autumn ala pecula will release her debut album at Kamizdat.



Aleš Hieng – Zergon (1984) is a chemical engineer and a musical performery. His improvised live performances are characterized by analog-produced and modulated sounds and noises combined with field recordings, as well the use of personally created electronic sound devices.

Alessio Chierico is an artist with theoretical background in contemporary art, design theory and media studies. He graduated at Interface Culture department of Kunstuniversität Linz (Austria), was visiting student at IAMAS (Japan). Chierico was previously studying at Academy of Fine Art of Carrara (Italy), NABA of Milan (Italy) and at Academy of Fine Art of Urbino (Italy).

Alex Zakkas works in the field of design, digital culture and education. His research is informed by experimentation with the technologies of daily experiences, to reflect on the techno-political transformations they bring into play. He participates in processes of activating critical practices through making tools. Within, between and besides academic institutions.

Alexandra’s work focuses on the algorithmic behavior of music, and the exploration of musicality within code. She is a core member of the international algorave community and performs worldwide using the live coding platforms SuperCollider and TidalCycles. In 2017, she was the Chair of the International Live Coding Conference in Morelia, Mexico.

In my personal practice I perceive myself being a mountain that is learning how to become sand for being able to fill any kind of form, being able to follow the wind flow, dissolve into the environment, inner and outer, virtual and analog.

Different kinds of matter and the process of 'mattering' is one of my latest explorations that is manifested through time-based, audio-visual and performative practices. Created installation-based performances and co-created spaces are the situations that provoke or enable intimate relations with participants.

Alice Strete (1991, RO) is an artist and researcher interested in the intricate relationship between humans and the technologies they surround themselves with. Her work involves collaborative media art and publishing practices, and explores topics from feminist technologies to the socio-politics of food.

Alice Yuan Zhang 张元 (she/her) is a Chinese-American media artist and educator currently living in Berlin. Her practice operates on cyclical and intergenerational time. Along the peripheries of imperialist imagination, she works to bridge ecology and technology through ancestral remembering, interspecies pedagogy, and translocal solidarity.

The student of Sociology, Politics and Economics, Alina Krobok, is working for Sea-Watch as deputy head of communications. She is reponsible among other things for press relations, all social media channels and building up an international community. She already worked for other initiatives which support refugees, did political work for a party and worked as youth ambassador for another NGO.