Alison Killing is an architect, urban designer and documentary maker based in Rotterdam, where she runs her own studio, Killing Architects. Her work is about using architecture, urban planning, data and mapping to tell urgent stories. These range from the ways in which death has shaped our cities over the past hundred years, to narratives of migration to Europe and the refugee "crisis", to how we attempt to reconstruct our cities after disaster.

I am part of the Rebellion as a member of the SOS team and the finance team. My profession is physiotherapy; relying on the principles of permaculture, I am convinced to share and implement the qualities I am able to offer in more than one way.

As artists André Hostalácio works in the fields of music production, generative art and performance.

André Castro (1983, PT) is a sound artist from Lisbon, currently living in Rotterdam. He studied under the Media Design and Communication MA (Piet Zwart Institute), and the Sonic Arts BA (Middlesex University). His practice involves DIY and exploratory strategies to appropriate found media objects, such as audio-tracks from a colossal online archive, the whispers and silences of radiophonic discourse, or the stories told over spam emails.

Andrea Mayr-Stalder initiated, a platform to combine computing and embroidery. Since the late 1990s, Andrea has worked on numerous artistic and educational Internet projects. She studied Media Art in Vienna and has worked as a system admin and programmer at ISPs in Vienna and New York. Andrea works currently for the Vienna University Children’s Office where she leads a media education team.

Mitarbeiter im Bereich Medientechnik und Vermittlung am Institut für Medien Systementwicklung und Administration Digital Media for Artists

Andreas Krennmair arbeitet als Softwareentwickler bei Borland im Bereich Loadtesting. In seiner Freizeit beschäftigt er sich mit Security-bezogenen Themen, arbeitet an verschiedenen OpenSource-Projekten, und experimentiert gelegentlich mit Analogfotografie.

Andreas Trawöger, born 1974, living in Vienna is in the constant search on how to use things for purposes they weren’t originally indented too. In recent years he has tried to bring democratic decision models to Vienna’s netculture scene, put laptops into primary schools and ended up flying kites and making panoramic photos while doing so.

Andreas Zingerle is a media artist, designer and researcher from Austria. As part of the Kairus art collective they explore topics such as vulnerabilities in IoT devices, corporatization of city governance in Smart Cities and citizen sensitive projects in which technology is used to reclaim control of our living environments. Their practice based research is closely intertwined with their artistic production, adopting methodologies used by anthropologists and sociologist, their artworks are often informed by archival research, participation observations and field research.