Felix Stalder teaches digital culture at the Zurich University of the Arts, researches at the World Information Institute in Vienna and a moderates , a critical nexus of the discourse on net culture, since 1995. His work focuses on the intersection of cultural, political and technological dynamics, in particular on new modes of commons-based production, copyright and transformation of subjectivity. He's the author/editor of numerous books, among other "Manuel Castells and the Theory of the Network Society" (Polity Press, 2006) "Deep Search.

FICTILIS is the collaborative practice of Andrea Steves and Timothy Furstnau. We make projects.
Our projects tend to arise out of our relationships — to each other, and to our communities and surroundings — and are intended to both reflect and affect these relationships. We sometimes bring other artists, non-artists, and community groups into our collaborations and create new relationships.

Fieke is a PhD Candidate at the Data Justice Lab of Cardiff University. Where she looks at the impact of data driven decision making on society. Prior, Fieke worked on issues around politics of data, privacy and digital security at Tactical Tech and Hivos. She is interested in understanding the new spaces, gray areas and changing dynamics that technology bring to the world.

Artist examining with humour our hypermodern times. Filipe Vilas-Boas develops a satirical critique of the notion of technological progress while he draws new possible paths. His installations, videos and performances involve street interventions and participation, DIY and AI, robotics and philosophy, astronomy and music, sociology and literature. Without being a naive tech utopist or a reluctant technophobe, he explores our use of technology and its ethical and aesthetic implications.

Researcher and campaigner for Re:Common since 2017, he works on campaigns
against fossil fuels, especially coal and gas, and has carried out field research,
particularly in Latin America, on the socio-environmental impacts of extractive
industries and large infrastructures. Graduated in communications studies, he has
been a political activist in support of farmers' movements for years.

Florian Cramer, geb. 1969, Literatur- und Kunstwissenschaftler, Leiter
des Networked Media-Masterstudienprogramms sowie des Forschungsprojekts
Communication in a Digital Age am Piet Zwart Institute der Willem de
Kooning Academy Rotterdam.

Florian Stöffelmayr is student of software science at university of technology graz, recently works as curator of the MedienKunstLabor (MKL) at Kunsthaus Graz. He also works as Freelancer in the creative Area, is co-founder of blenderusers.at and is doing the openArtist Linux Distribution, as a one-man show until now.

Florian Voggeneder graduated BA in Timebased and Interactive Media at Art University Linz in 2011 and is currently pursuing MAs in Timebased Media and Photography at Art University Linz. Originally working in installation and performance art, his enrollment at masters programs for timebased media in 2011 photography in 2013 and also influenced his work to become more image-based. Topics of remote sensing, hidden infrastructures and more broadly, analog and digital aesthetics are recurring motives in his work.

Franc González is a graphic designer from Barcelona. His work intersects printed matter and coding experiments, digging into the political side of software and design as part of his studies, in an ongoing quest to better understand the radical implications of digital tools to society and individuals in general. This has led to his current research in the use of revision control software applied to journalism, in the dramatic context surrounding the Catalan referendum.