Hagen Kopp is a co-founder of WatchTheMed Alarm Phone in 2014, a 24/7 hotline for people in distress at sea. In 2020 this transnational grass root project is carried by about 200 members from many cities all over Europe and North-Africa. In 2018 he initiated with Alarm Phone the Palermo Charter Platform Process for corridors of solidarity „from the sea to the cities“. In 2019 he helped to organize the transborder summer camp in France, which brought together about 500 activists in a strong transnational composition.

Born in 1979. Degree in Computer Sciences and New Media at the Technical University Vienna. Study scholarship at the Kiev Polytechnical Institute (Ukraine) and Helsinki University of Technology (Finland). Diploma thesis on “A mobile Blogging Solution – Aggregation and Management of location-based Content in the Java Application Domain” at the Interactive Media Systems- and E-Commerce Group. Currently working in Vienna in the field of software engineering based on mobile- and web applications with a focus on projects for Mobilkom Austria AG.

Hanns Holger Rutz (b. 1977) is a sound artist, composer, performer, researcher and software creator in electronic art. His work, mainly comprised of sound and intermedia installation, live improvisation and electroacoustic composition, has been internationally exhibited, performed and awarded.

Hansi Raber works on the boundary between digital arts and computer engineering. The time is split between contract work with a strict focus on efficiency and functionality, while his own projects are usually centered around playful, simple interactions with no real goals. His primary domain has become digital audio.

Heath Bunting has exhibited, performed and taught internationally for over 25 years, founder of irational.org. In his current work, The Status Project, uses artificial intelligence to search for artificial life in both societal and natural systems. http://status.irational.org/
Heath regularly runs artist's training workshops in artist resilience. http://irational.org/heath/out-door_survival/

Heavy Lifting is Lucy writing confused live code in a different dimension. For fans of woodworking and mischievous minor deities. Her album Thanks for Watching is out now on Chicago netlabel pan y rosas discos. Songs about weddings, karaoke, getting your head chopped off, the cyclops Polyphemus, bad housemates and lost property.

Dr. Heiko Schmid is an art historian, curator and writer. He holds a PhD from the University of Media Arts Cologne. His dissertation explored science-fiction concepts of the future, machines and the cosmos from an art historical perspective. Heiko Schmid is president of the commission KiöR (Art in Public Space) of the city of Zurich. He lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland.

Helen Varley Jamieson is a writer, theatre practitioner and digital artist from New Zealand, based in Munich. She holds a Master of Arts (QUT, 2008) investigating her practice of cyberformance, and works as a freelance artist and researcher. She coined the term cyberformance in 2000 to describe networked performance that approaches the internet as a site for live collaboration by remote performers. She co-founded UpStage and continues to manage the project and co-curate annual online festivals.