Contributors 2024

ultramorbidi is prepared to paste themselves into the hearts of queer and electro-loving nerds around the networked globe. formed in late summer of 2023 the duo is an always incomplete fusion of transginger and scriptboy, comprising their cyborg bodies and and life companionship. ultramorbidi choose free, feminist and alternative tools for organizing and music making whenever possible. soon to be found at, else look for #ultramorbidi on the fediverse.

Us(c)hi Reiter studied graphic and design at the Kunstuniverstät Linz. As artist and project developer with a special interesst in net.activism and audio-visual communication, she has been collaborating with different groups and artists since 1998. From 2005 till 2017 Reiter run the non-profit cultural backbone organisation & Kultur im Netz.

She continues to research Free/Libre/Open Source Software in the frame of cultural production and art as well as work on conceptual and performative setups.

Valentina Vuksic works from within the radiation of the computational. She is improvising with the electrosmog of code, collecting and streaming sonic recordings of electricity and reading the unwanted side-effects of technology-based experimentation as intrinsic to the core of contemporary digital technologies.

Vesna Manojlovic (she/her) is a hacker, mother, engineer, artist, feminist, Community Builder, activist, mediator, émigré from ex-Yugoslavia. She lives and works between Amsterdam & Lika (Croatia).

Vo Ezn /vɔ ɪzn/ -- sound && infrastructure artist, working on server-side tensions and introverted interfaces ][ figuring out tools for-to knowledge-sharing / opting-out / autonomy ][ --to-for-by-with on my own terms. ++ @ feminist server collectives Anarchaserver and Systerserver, and Solisoft [radical technology collective and solidarity network in NL.

The networked exchange of knowledge and the free access to information and educational resources are important prerequisites for the future of democracy, culture, and society. The World-Information Institute has been investigating key questions of information societies since the early 1990s and has built an international competence platform for the critical use of information and communication technologies.

Xin Xin is an artist currently making socially-engaged software that explores the possibilities of reshaping language and power relations. Through mediating, subverting, and innovating modes of social interaction in the digital space, Xin invites participants to relate to one another and experience togetherness in new and unfamiliar ways.

Yann Martins is a debugger, programmer, researcher and *core artist currently working at IXDM. His software practices lie at the intersection of debugging, computer music and game design. He has exhibited his works, and done workshops and lectures at the Japan Media Art Awards, H3K, AMRO, Transmediale and at various venues in Florence, Basel and Zurich.